WP-Cumulus Hebrew edition

WP-Cumulus allows you to display your site’s tags, categories or both using a Flash movie that rotates them in 3D. It works just like a regular tags cloud, but is more visually exciting. Clicking the tags can be a little hard (depending on your speed setting) but does take you to the appropriate page :).

From now聽WP-Cumulus support hebrew (russian support also included) 馃檪

Demo: wpcumulushe

Download: link


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    讗砖诪讞 诇转砖讜讘讛

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    诇砖谞讜转 讗转 讛砖诐 砖诇 讛拽讘爪讬诐 讜讛转讬拽讬讜转 注诐 HE, 诇砖诐 砖诇 讛诪拽讜专讬- 讻诇讜诪专 讘诇讬 HE.


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    讗谞讬 诪讚讘专 注诇 讛驻专诪讟专:

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